To FAQ overview

Sources, my data and ranking

Trends Business Information gathers relevant information on Belgian companies from official and internal exclusive sources in order to offer you reliable business insights and easy to use commercial web tools. The Trends Top Website is a do-it-yourself platorm of Trends Business Information.

  • For its basic company information Trends Top relies on official sources, such as the annual accounts provided by the National Bank of Belgium, the Belgian Official Journal and the Central Enterprise Databank (KBO).
  • Trends Top spares no efforts to complete these official data with high-quality information not available at these sources, e.g. the turnover of smaller companies that are not required to submit accounts, contacts for different departments, (personal) e-mail addresses, import and export countries, B2B or B2C character, etc.
  • Moreover,  Trends Top collaborates with specialized partners to gather specific information in order to increase the amount of available company data.

  • Trends Top publishes information on all active Belgian companies. Companies are added to our online database right after establishment, so even before annual accounts are available (starters).
  • Searching for information on foreign companies? Contact us by mail.

Publication in Trends Top is free. Companies can however complete their basic information with a number of functional and creative advertisement formulas. Contact us by mail for a personal meeting with the account manager of your region in order to enhance the impact of your presence on

  • Trends Top respects your request not to publish data with a personal character: phone & fax numbers, (personal) e-mail addresses, names of operational management. All information extracted from official sources however serves our legitimate interest and will not be deleted.

  • We offer more information on GDPR compliancy measures and privacy within Trends Top, Trends Business Information and Roularta Media Group in Dutch or French.

  • Yes, it has been integrated on individual company profiles and in the export routine.
  • We have summarized the basic elements of the legislation and its principles in dutch and french.

  • Your ranking is based on the turnover (item 70) or the gross margin (item 9900), depending on availability, since smaller companies with an abbreviated balance sheet are not required to publish their turnover. As a result they are somewhat under-classified. Companies ranked by their gross margin can be recognized by a ‘*’ in each list. Your turnover is missing? Please e-mail us the exact figure and we will take care of the update.  
  • Companies without obligation to publish annual accounts have no ranking.
  • Trends Top takes into account the duration of your financial year. If your financial accounts cover a period shorter or longer than 12 months, Trends Top recalculates a number of key figures. This is marked by an ‘#’ in each list.
  • To determine the ranking of companies in sectors characterized by long-term contracts (e.g. construction, engineering, shipyards) we also take into account changes in the Work in Progress Inventory (item 71 of the profit and loss account).
  • For associations without lucrative purpose (VZW of ASBL) we take item 73 into account: fees, donations, legacies and subsidies.
  • Banks are ranked by net bank product, insurance companies by gross premiums and holdings by financial revenues.

  • Trends Top frequently contacts companies to have them update their company information.  Of course, you do not have to await this update request. Feel free to send us your modifications or corrections at any time.
    E-mail us or use the link Update on your online company profile. Please mention your VAT number at all times.

  • Each company is required to submit its accounts six months at the latest after its financial year has closed. 
  • Approximately two weeks later the new key figures and ratios will be available at In the course of 2024 all 2023 accounts are systematically added to our website. 
  • In November 2023 new rankings are published based on the 2023 accounts.

  • The mother-daughter company structures are based on the participations published in the accounts submitted in Belgium.
  • If foreign daughter companies are mentioned in the accounts these companies will also be published by Trends Top, with a link to the online company profile of those daughter companies provided, in their turn, they also submit accounts in Belgium.
  • If a company has a foreign mother company that does not submit accounts in Belgium, the mother company will not be published on

  • The score is provided by Trends Business Information. More info.